The North American Carillon School

The success of Cast in Bronze, created by Frank DellaPenna, spawned new ideas, philosophies and musical possibilities for the carillon. Sharing many of the same philosophies, DellaPenna and Carlo van Ulft, a former professor at the Belgian Carillon School, first discussed the idea of a North American Carillon School.


Van Ulft is now founder and director of the North American Carillon School (NACS) located in Springfield, Illinois. The school was created to fulfill a need: many carillons in North America (whether in churches, college campuses, city parks or gardens) are now silent due to lack of carillon musicians, lack of interest or lack of funding.

Van Ulft's vision was to create a school to train musicians so these silent carillons could again be played and to recruit carillon players to keep new carillons active. Musicians at the NACS receive not only the training necessary to play an instrument, they also learn how to be an all-around manager of a carillon.

Students are required to take courses in carillon history and campanology (the science of carillons and bells) so that they will be able to understand and manage the mechanical aspects of the carillons under their care.

As importantly, students must successfully finish the course, “The Marketing and Promotion of the Carillon,” a subject that both DellaPenna & Van Ulft feel is often missing in traditional music education. This course helps the new carillon musician to perform music appreciated by their listeners and gives them the tools to help grow their audience. The course also aids the student in recognizing the needs and goals of their future employers.

The Cast in Bronze Society Scholarship to Attend the North American Carillon School

The primary objective of the Cast in Bronze Society (CIBS) is to provide scholarships to qualified musicians to study the carillon at the North American Carillon School (NACS). A minimum of two years is necessary to obtain both the Carillon Proficiency Degree and the Performance Degree.

The NACS is interested in educating the finest carillon musicians who have the skills necessary to ensure their success in the music world. Students will study with Carlo van Ulft, founder and director of the school. Van Ulft, a former professor at the Belgian Carillon School, is one of the finest performers and instructor of carillon in the world. Required courses at NACS include composition, carillon history, campanology, arranging music for carillon and marketing/promotion of the carillon.

Courses are taught by specialists in the area of study and can be taken via e-mail, Skype and other digital media options. Scholarship winners can be awarded up to $20,000 for one year of study (September-May) which includes tuition, weekly lessons, all required music courses, music materials, room and board.